Shikui Song

Associate Professor of Plant Transformation

Manager of Plant Transformation Core Facility


Shikui Song

Contact Information

Haixia Institute of Science and Technology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, No. 15 Shangxiadian Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, China




2011-2015, Postdoc Fellow, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

2003-2008, Ph.D., University of Northeast Agricultural University, China 

2000-2003, M.S., University of Northeast Agricultural University, China. 

1989-1991, Life Science of Linyi Normal College, China

Professional Experience

2015-Present, Associate professor and Manager of Plant Transformation Core Facility,  Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China.

2008-2015, Research scientist, Syngenta Biotechnology Ltd, China

1991-2000, Teacher, Zhaoxian Junior Middle School, China

Research Interests

The most convenient technique for introduce genes into plants is by Agrobacterium and biolistic. My focus is on Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation. The major projects in my group:

  1. Plants transformation including tea tree, quinoa, soybean, strawberry and rice.
  2. Quninoa mutant library construction and candidate gene identification.

We have established soybean and rice transformation protocols with high TF, and provided soybean transformation service for many universities and research institutes. We also got good results on tea tree, strawberry and quinoa transformation. We have got transgenic buds of tea tree, quinoa and strawberry. And two efficient transformation systems in quinoa have been established.

GUS assay of quinoa, GUS assay of tea buds

From left to right: GUS assay of quinoa, GUS assay of tea buds


Quinoa hairy root system, Quinoa mutant screening

From left to right: Quinoa hairy root system, Quninoa mutant screening


Jaikishun S., Gang P., Song S., Yang Z., (2020) Morpho-physiological responses of quinoa varieties to salinity in a hydroponic system. American Journal of plant physiology. 15(1):41-51

Bai, M; Yuan, J; Kuang, H; Gong, P; Li, S; Zhang, Z; Liu, B; Sun, J; Yang, M; Yang, L; Wang, D; Song, S; Guan, Y (2020) Generation of a multiplex mutagenesis population via pooled CRISPR‐Cas9 in soya bean. Plant biotechnology Journal, 18(3):721-731

Wang J; Kuang H; Zhang; Yang; Yan L; Zhang MSong S; Guan Y. (2020) Generation of seed l ipoxygenase-free soybean using CRISPR-Cas9. The Crop Journal, 8(3):432-439.

Jaikishun, S. Li W., Yang Z., Song, S. (2019) Quinoa: In perspective of global challenges. Agronomy, 9(4): 176.

Yu YHou WYael HSun SWu CIfat MSong S, Rachel M, Han T (2018) Constitutive expression of feedback-insensitive cystathionine gamma-synthase increases methionine levels in soybean leaves and seeds. BMC Plant Biology, 17(1):54-62.

Song S, Wang Y, Yang Y, Geng L, Zhang C, Li X, Han T. 2014CRISPR/Cas-based Genome Editing in Crops. Molecular Breeding, 12(6):1059-1066 (In Chinese).

Song S., Hou W., Godo I., Wu C., Yu Y., Matityahu I., Hacham Y., Sun S., Han T., Amir R. (2013) Soybean seeds expressing feedback-insensitive cystathionine r-synthase exhibit a higher content of methionine., Journal of Experimental Botany, 64 (7): 1917-1926

Cao D; Hou W; Song S; Sun H; Wu C; Gao Y; Han T. (2009) Assessment of conditions affecting Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of soybean. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 96(1):45-52.

Jian, BHou, WWu, CLiu, BLiu, WSong, SBi, YHan, T (2009) Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of Superroot-derived Lotus corniculatus plants: a valuable tool for functional genomics. BMC Plant Biology, 9:78—91.