Peitao Lü

Professor of Postharvest Biology of Horticultural Crops.


Peitao Lü


Contact Information

Haixia Institute of Science and Technology (HIST)

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU)

15 Shang xia dian Road

Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, P. R. China



2010-2015, Ph.D., China Agricultural University, China

2007-2010, M.S., Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, China

2003-2007, B.S., Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, China

Professional Experience

2019- Present, Professor, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China

2015-2019, Postdoc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Research Interests

Lü lab majorly focus on postharvest biology and stress of horticultural crops developing proper systems that improve quality/productivity while reducing losses and waste due to postharvest biotic, abiotic and longevity issues. Our major aim is 1) to address the molecular basis of fruit ripening and plant senescence; and 2) to dissect how environmental factors (e.g. temperature and water) and phytohormones impact the performance of horticultural crops. We use the methods developed by the human ENCODE project to systematically profile the gene expression, open chromatin, DNA methylation, histone modification to identify which transcription and regulatory factors that control ripening, senescence and other important agronomic traits. This research may result in the development and commercialization of horticultural crops with enhanced colors, improved stress tolerance and longer shelf life.


Youwei Fan, Jitao Liu, Jing Zou, Xiangyu Zhang, Liwei Jiang, Kun Liu, Peitao Lü, Junping Gao, Changqing Zhang. The RhHB1/RhLOX4 module affects the dehydration tolerance of rose flowers (Rosa hybrida) by fine-tuning jasmonic acid levels. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7: 1-13.

Xingyu Lu, Sheng Yu, Peitao Lü, Houbin Chen, Silin Zhong, Biyan Zhou. Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis reveals a regulatory network of oxidative stress-induced flowering signals produced in litchi leaves. Genes, 2020, 11(3): 324.

Peitao Lü†, Sheng Yu†, Ning Zhu†, Yun-Ru Chen†, Biyan Zhou†, Yu Pan, David Tzeng, Joao Paulo Fabi, Jason Argyris, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Nenghui Ye, Jianhua Zhang, Donald Grierson, Jenny Xiang, Zhangjun Fei, James Giovannoni, Silin Zhong. Genome encode analyses reveal the basis of convergent evolution of fleshy fruit ripening. Nature Plants, 2018, 4: 784-791.

Pengfei Dong, Xiaoyu Tu, Po-Yu Chu, Peitao Lü, Ning Zhu, Donald Grierson, Baijuan Du, Pinghua Li, Silin Zhong. 3D chromatin architecture of large plant genomes determined by local A/B compartments. Molecular Plant, 2017, 10: 1497-1509.

Congcong Wang, Peitao Lü, Silin Zhong, Houbin Chen, Biyan Zhou. LcMCII-1 is involved in the ROS-dependent senescence of the rudimentary leaves of Litchi chinensis. Plant Cell Reports, 2017, 36: 89-102.

Muhammad Ali Khan, Yonglu Meng, Daofeng Liu, Hongshu Tang, Suhui Lü, Muhammad Imtiaz, Guimei Jiang, Peitao Lü, Yuqi Ji, Junping Gao, Nan Ma. Responses of rose RhACS1 and RhACS2 promoters to abiotic stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34: 795-804.

Peitao Lü, Changqing Zhang, Jitao Liu, Xiaowei Liu, Guimei Jiang, Xinqiang Jiang, Muhammad Ali Khan, Liangsheng Wang, Bo Hong, Junping Gao. RhHB1 mediates the antagonism of gibberellins to ABA and ethylene during rose (Rosa hybrida) petal senescence. The Plant Journal, 2014, 78: 578-590.

Xinqiang Jiang, Changqing Zhang, Peitao Lü, Guimei Jiang, Xiaowei Liu, Fanwei Dai, Junping Gao. RhNAC3, a stress-associated NAC transcription factor, has a role in dehydration tolerance through regulating osmotic stress‐related genes in rose petals. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014, 12: 38-48.

Guimei Jiang, Xinqiang Jiang, Peitao Lü, Jitao Liu, Junping Gao, Changqing Zhang. The rose (Rosa hybrida) NAC transcription factor 3 gene, RhNAC3, involved in ABA signaling pathway both in rose and Arabidopsis. PloS one, 2014, 9: e109415.

Peitao Lü†, Mei Kang†, Xinqiang Jiang, Fanwei Dai, Junping Gao, Changqing Zhang. RhEXPA4, a rose expansin gene, modulates leaf growth and confers drought and salt tolerance to Arabidopsis. Planta. 2013, 237: 1547-1559.

Fanwei Dai, Changqing Zhang, Xinqiang Jiang, Mei Kang, Xia Yin, Peitao Lü, Xiao Zhang, Yi Zheng, Junping Gao. RhNAC2 and RhEXPA4 are involved in regulation of dehydration tolerance during the expansion of rose petals. Plant Physiology, 2012, pp. 112.207720.

Peitao Lü, Xinmin Huang, Hongmei Li, Jiping Liu, Shenggen He, Daryl C Joyce, Zhaoqi Zhang. Continuous automatic measurement of water uptake and water loss of cut flower stems. Hortscience, 2011, 46: 509-512.

Peitao Lü, Xinmin Huang, Yimin Lu, Jiping Liu, Zhaoqi Zhang, Shenggen He. Determination of Nano-silver spatiotemporal distribution in cut gerbera flowers by ICP-AES. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31, 2253-2255.

Peitao Lü, Shenggen He, Hongmei Li, Jinping Cao, Hui-lian Xu. Effects of nano-silver treatment on vase life of cut rose cv. Movie Star flowers. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 2010, 8, 1118-1122.

Peitao Lü, Jinping Cao, Shenggen He, Jiping Liu, Hongmei Li, Guiping Cheng, Yuelian Ding, Daryl C Joyce. Nano-silver pulse treatments improve water relations of cut rose cv. Movie Star flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2010, 57: 196-202.

Jiping Liu, Shenggen He, Zhaoqi Zhang, Jinping Cao, Peitao Lv, Sudan He, Guiping Cheng, Daryl C Joyce. Nano-silver pulse treatments inhibit stem-end bacteria on cut gerbera cv. Ruikou flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2009, 54: 59-62.

Jiping Liu, Zhaoqi Zhang, Daryl C Joyce, Shenggen He, Jinping Cao, Peitao Lv. Effects of postharvest nano-silver treatments on cut-flowers. ISHS Acta Horticulture 2008, 847: 245-250.